├──美国Pearson(培生) Age0-6 低幼读物全套共162本 超清PDF文件
| └──Pearson 0-6岁低幼读物(PDF内嵌音频) 162bo
| | ├──Cali Science Readers K
| | | ├──Earths Resources.pdf 1.38M
| | | ├──Learning About Plants and Animals.pdf 3.68M
| | | ├──Objects All Around.pdf 3.54M
| | | ├──Our Land, Air, and Water.pdf 915.75kb
| | | ├──Plant and Animal Parts.pdf 975.84kb
| | | ├──Water.pdf 641.81kb
| | | └──Weather.pdf 3.21M
| | ├──Emergent Readers
| | | ├──A Rainy Day.pdf 1.38M
| | | ├──Alligator Ann.pdf 935.05kb
| | | ├──Bud the Mud Bug.pdf 1.08M
| | | ├──Cam the Cow.pdf 4.00M
| | | ├──Colors Around Me.pdf 1.22M
| | | ├──Dad and Fif Fan.pdf 1.37M
| | | ├──Dan Did It!.pdf 1.13M
| | | ├──Do Not Spill!.pdf 789.42kb
| | | ├──Dots, Dots, Dots.pdf 1.90M
| | | ├──Get Set for a Pet Hen.pdf 1.19M
| | | ├──Get Up!.pdf 1.48M
| | | ├──Gib Got It.pdf 1.64M
| | | ├──Gus and His Bus.pdf 869.18kb
| | | ├──Hap is Hot.pdf 1.14M
| | | ├──Hop on Top!.pdf 10.91M
| | | ├──Hopscotch.pdf 1.28M
| | | ├──How Many.pdf 1.24M
| | | ├──Little Iguana.pdf 1.47M
| | | ├──Look Around!.pdf 1.66M
| | | ├──Me!.pdf 1.01M
| | | ├──Mouse and Moose.pdf 958.39kb
| | | ├──Nan the Red Hen!.pdf 1.32M
| | | ├──One, Two, Three, Four, Five!.pdf 1.16M
| | | ├──Pandas Nap.pdf 2.15M
| | | ├──Pat the Penguin.pdf 1.80M
| | | ├──Race Day.pdf 1.35M
| | | ├──Rex's Box.pdf 936.96kb
| | | ├──Ric and Rin Run!.pdf 1.19M
| | | ├──Six Fat Cubs.pdf 1.19M
| | | ├──Soccer Game.pdf 929.13kb
| | | ├──Stop, Quinn, Stop.pdf 1.24M
| | | ├──The Big Bug.pdf 1.21M
| | | ├──The Red Bird.pdf 1.41M
| | | ├──Tony's Taxi.pdf 1.44M
| | | ├──Where Is It.pdf 1.83M
| | | └──Will on a Jet.pdf 909.42kb
| | ├──Grade K Science
| | | ├──Day and Night.pdf 683.95kb
| | | ├──Growing and Changing.pdf 2.09M
| | | ├──Heat and Light.pdf 926.30kb
| | | ├──How Things Move.pdf 875.53kb
| | | ├──How Things Work.pdf 755.12kb
| | | ├──Matter.pdf 785.58kb
| | | ├──Needs of Plants and Animals.pdf 1.16M
| | | ├──Plants and Animals All Around.pdf 1.16M
| | | └──Weather and Seasons.pdf 1.28M
| | ├──K On-Level Readers
| | | ├──K_OLR_1.1 Cat and Dog Go to School.pdf 1.79M
| | | ├──K_OLR_1.2 Cat and Dog Work Together.pdf 1022.81kb
| | | ├──K_OLR_1.3 Cat and Dog Play Together.pdf 2.41M
| | | ├──K_OLR_1.4 Cat and Dog Go To Town.pdf 1.29M
| | | ├──K_OLR_1.5 Cat and Dog Munch Together.pdf 1.64M
| | | ├──K_OLR_1.6 Toy Store.pdf 890.27kb
| | | ├──K_OLR_2.1 Tam at the Beach.pdf 1.00M
| | | ├──K_OLR_2.2 Tam and Sam in the Orange Grove.pdf 1.54M
| | | ├──K_OLR_2.3 Tam and Sam Go to the Zoo.pdf 1.17M
| | | ├──K_OLR_2.4 Winter.pdf 1.10M
| | | ├──K_OLR_2.5 A House for My Fish.pdf 1022.16kb
| | | ├──K_OLR_2.6 Tim's Garden.pdf 1.69M
| | | ├──K_OLR_3.1 The Baby Panda.pdf 1.55M
| | | ├──K_OLR_3.2 Tap! Rap! Bam!.pdf 2.21M
| | | ├──K_OLR_3.3 At Bat.pdf 1.27M
| | | ├──K_OLR_3.4 We Can Fan.pdf 988.91kb
| | | ├──K_OLR_3.5 Pop! Pop! Pop!.pdf 1.26M
| | | ├──K_OLR_3.6 Chameleons.pdf 1.15M
| | | ├──K_OLR_4.1 All in a Day.pdf 1.72M
| | | ├──K_OLR_4.2 A Musical Adventure.pdf 1.14M
| | | ├──K_OLR_4.3 A Home for Flap the Cat.pdf 1.54M
| | | ├──K_OLR_4.4 Five Stops.pdf 1.19M
| | | ├──K_OLR_4.5 Ten Red Sleds.pdf 1.85M
| | | ├──K_OLR_4.6 Get Set, Go!.pdf 1.22M
| | | ├──K_OLR_5.1 Jem and Jan Win!.pdf 1.51M
| | | ├──K_OLR_5.2 On the High Seas.pdf 990.02kb
| | | ├──K_OLR_5.3 Bud the Pup.pdf 1.34M
| | | ├──K_OLR_5.4 Bud in the Mud.pdf 1.13M
| | | ├──K_OLR_5.5 The Jazz Band.pdf 1.11M
| | | ├──K_OLR_5.6 Do Not Quit, Quinn!.pdf 1.42M
| | | ├──K_OLR_6.1 Jen and Max.pdf 1.09M
| | | ├──K_OLR_6.2 Fix It!.pdf 1.04M
| | | ├──K_OLR_6.3 Camping Is Fun!.pdf 1.26M
| | | ├──K_OLR_6.4 Say Good Night.pdf 1.07M
| | | ├──K_OLR_6.5 Jen and Max Build a House.pdf 2.52M
| | | └──K_OLR_6.6 Animals at Home.pdf 1.43M
| | ├──Kindergarten social
| | | ├──Birthday Celebrations.pdf 738.59kb
| | | ├──Earth - How Can I Help.pdf 1.34M
| | | ├──George Washington - Father of Our Country.pdf 1.33M
| | | ├──George Washington - Our First President.pdf 1.04M
| | | ├──George Washington.pdf 855.13kb
| | | ├──Happy Birthday To Me!.pdf 1.05M
| | | ├──Helping Earth.pdf 973.16kb
| | | ├──It Is My Birthday!.pdf 692.00kb
| | | ├──Jobs in My Community.pdf 1.40M
| | | ├──Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.pdf 600.20kb
| | | ├──Look, a Flag.pdf 721.43kb
| | | ├──My Neighborhood.pdf 995.86kb
| | | ├──Neighbors Near and Far.pdf 1.04M
| | | ├──Rules Make Life Work.pdf 710.58kb
| | | ├──Rules.pdf 772.26kb
| | | ├──Symbols of Our Land.pdf 3.38M
| | | ├──Symbols.pdf 697.09kb
| | | ├──This Is Our World.pdf 972.50kb
| | | ├──Who Does This Job.pdf 838.55kb
| | | └──Why We Have Rules.pdf 855.15kb
| | └──Leveled Readers
| | | ├──A Pig's Life.pdf 1.22M
| | | ├──A Small Trip.pdf 17.04M
| | | ├──A Walk in Antarctica.pdf 1.25M
| | | ├──A Winter Bed.pdf 1017.85kb
| | | ├──A Yard for All.pdf 1.56M
| | | ├──All Kinds of Homes.pdf 1.68M
| | | ├──Animals Homes.pdf 1.83M
| | | ├──Animals in the Grass.pdf 1.03M
| | | ├──Animals Work and Play.pdf 1.80M
| | | ├──Can We Do It.pdf 865.72kb
| | | ├──Can You Spot It.pdf 1.21M
| | | ├──Catch That Ball.pdf 3.74M
| | | ├──Catch That Bus!.pdf 1.50M
| | | ├──Chug-Chug-Chug!.pdf 4.58M
| | | ├──Different Fish.pdf 1.20M
| | | ├──Families.pdf 2.09M
| | | ├──Fish Can Swim.pdf 1.41M
| | | ├──Five Bears All in a Den.pdf 1.01M
| | | ├──From Seeds to Plants.pdf 980.86kb
| | | ├──I Can Do Lots of Stuff!.pdf 1.21M
| | | ├──I Help.pdf 2.04M
| | | ├──In the Garden.pdf 2.20M
| | | ├──In the Grasslands.pdf 1.69M
| | | ├──In the Ocean.pdf 1.70M
| | | ├──In the Orange Grove.pdf 1.83M
| | | ├──Let's Make a Club House.pdf 1.22M
| | | ├──Let's Race.pdf 1.22M
| | | ├──Let's Ride.pdf 1.29M
| | | ├──Look at the Clock, Max!.pdf 1.33M
| | | ├──Machines Help.pdf 1.63M
| | | ├──Ming the Messenger.pdf 694.36kb
| | | ├──Nick the Fix-It Man.pdf 1.35M
| | | ├──Off to School.pdf 1.77M
| | | ├──Pam.pdf 985.58kb
| | | ├──Putting Up the Tent.pdf 6.63M
| | | ├──Reds and Blues.pdf 709.25kb
| | | ├──Safe Homes.pdf 1.19M
| | | ├──The Bear.pdf 1.76M
| | | ├──The Big Bird.pdf 1018.89kb
| | | ├──The Fawn.pdf 1.27M
| | | ├──The Path to Frog's New Home.pdf 2.53M
| | | ├──Tig the Talented Pig.pdf 767.58kb
| | | ├──Two and Three.pdf 852.66kb
| | | ├──Walking in the Forest.pdf 19.42M
| | | ├──Washington DC.pdf 2.15M
| | | ├──We See Them Grow.pdf 948.45kb
| | | ├──Where Are All the Bats.pdf 1.32M
| | | └──Who Helps.pdf 1.64M
| ├──ps6th
| | ├──A cooking pot.mp3 3.46M
| | ├──A cooking pot.mp4 152.58M
| | ├──Flora to the rescue.mp3 2.51M
| | ├──Flora to the rescue.mp4 57.05M
| | ├──Harry and elephant.mp3 3.00M
| | ├──Harry and elephant.mp4 132.23M
| | ├──Harry's monkey.mp3 2.94M
| | ├──Harry's monkey.mp4 126.89M
| | ├──Harry's seal.mp3 3.32M
| | ├──Harry's seal.mp4 110.54M
| | ├──Harry's snake.mp3 2.67M
| | ├──Harry's snake.mp4 111.94M
| | ├──Olly the Octopus.mp3 2.47M
| | ├──Olly the Octopus.mp4 55.68M
| | ├──Slug the sea monster.mp3 3.83M
| | ├──Slug the sea monster.mp4 86.41M
| | ├──The big boots.mp3 2.64M
| | ├──The big boots.mp4 58.58M
| | ├──The castle.mp3 2.61M
| | ├──The castle.mp4 42.42M
| | ├──The Gingerbread man.mp3 3.50M
| | ├──The Gingerbread man.mp4 143.86M
| | ├──The lost costume.mp3 2.51M
| | ├──The lost costume.mp4 52.33M
| | ├──The magic Trident.mp3 3.80M
| | ├──The magic Trident.mp4 85.71M
| | ├──The old man lived in a Vinegar Bottle.mp3 3.06M
| | ├──The old man lived in a Vinegar Bottle.mp4 135.00M
| | ├──The princess and the pea.mp3 3.43M
| | ├──The princess and the pea.mp4 125.30M
| | ├──The school fair.mp3 3.44M
| | └──The school fair.mp4 77.13M
| ├──第1级
| | ├──Hide and seek.mp3 1.48M
| | ├──Hide and seek.mp4 30.44M
| | ├──Monster for Mrs Owen.mp3 1.82M
| | ├──Monster for Mrs Owen.mp4 69.29M
| | ├──Mr Big goes on holiday.mp3 1.41M
| | ├──Mr Big goes on holiday.mp4 12.66M
| | ├──Mr Big goes to the park.mp3 1.82M
| | ├──Mr Big goes to the park.mp4 16.47M
| | ├──Mr Big has a party.mp3 1.83M
| | ├──Mr Big has a party.mp4 16.42M
| | ├──Mr Big is a big help.mp3 1.43M
| | ├──Mr Big is a big help.mp4 13.03M
| | ├──Peek-a-boo.mp3 1.29M
| | ├──Peek-a-boo.mp4 22.19M
| | ├──The big mess.mp3 1.67M
| | ├──The big mess.mp4 35.96M
| | ├──The big pancake.mp3 3.52M
| | ├──The big pancake.mp4 31.45M
| | ├──The Enormous Turnip.mp3 3.16M
| | ├──The Enormous Turnip.mp4 28.63M
| | ├──The lion and the mouse.mp3 2.90M
| | ├──The lion and the mouse.mp4 25.98M
| | ├──The little red hen.mp3 3.04M
| | ├──The little red hen.mp4 27.61M
| | ├──The lost story book.mp3 1.72M
| | ├──The lost story book.mp4 72.27M
| | ├──The lost toy.mp3 1.61M
| | ├──The lost toy.mp4 27.40M
| | ├──The Naught hamster.mp3 1.64M
| | ├──The Naught hamster.mp4 71.43M
| | ├──The new children.mp3 1.41M
| | └──The new children.mp4 59.41M
| ├──第2级
| | ├──Bingo and the bone.mp3 1005.84kb
| | ├──Bingo and the bone.mp4 17.10M
| | ├──Bingo wants to play.mp3 956.04kb
| | ├──Bingo wants to play.mp4 18.39M
| | ├──Clever Joe.mp3 872.37kb
| | ├──Clever Joe.mp4 37.20M
| | ├──Dinner Time.mp3 955.63kb
| | ├──Dinner Time.mp4 38.85M
| | ├──Helpers.mp3 747.88kb
| | ├──Helpers.mp4 29.15M
| | ├──Monty and the ghost train.mp3 1008.69kb
| | ├──Monty and the ghost train.mp4 21.11M
| | ├──MOnty at Mcburgers.mp3 1.02M
| | ├──MOnty at Mcburgers.mp4 20.89M
| | ├──Monty at the party.mp3 785.02kb
| | ├──Monty at the party.mp4 14.60M
| | ├──Monty at the seaside.mp3 929.51kb
| | ├──Monty at the seaside.mp4 20.62M
| | ├──Naughty Joe.mp3 849.92kb
| | ├──Naughty Joe.mp4 31.19M
| | ├──The bears and the honey.mp3 1.11M
| | ├──The bears and the honey.mp4 46.35M
| | ├──The big surprise.mp3 691.14kb
| | ├──The big surprise.mp4 14.85M
| | ├──The fox and the rabbit.mp3 934.00kb
| | ├──The fox and the rabbit.mp4 35.82M
| | ├──The fox and the stork.mp3 1.07M
| | ├──The fox and the stork.mp4 45.72M
| | ├──The old woman and the hen.mp3 1.08M
| | ├──The old woman and the hen.mp4 47.62M
| | ├──Yum Yum!.mp3 877.27kb
| | └──Yum Yum!.mp4 12.96M
| ├──第3级
| | ├──Frisky and the cat.mp3 1.63M
| | ├──Frisky and the cat.mp4 29.87M
| | ├──Frisky and the ducks.mp3 1.34M
| | ├──Frisky and the ducks.mp4 30.12M
| | ├──Frisky plays a trick.mp3 1.78M
| | ├──Frisky plays a trick.mp4 31.97M
| | ├──Frisky wants to sleep.mp3 1.33M
| | ├──Frisky wants to sleep.mp4 28.23M
| | ├──Mr Marvel and the cake.mp3 1.67M
| | ├──Mr Marvel and the cake.mp4 45.18M
| | ├──Mr Marvel and the car.mp3 1.56M
| | ├──Mr Marvel and the car.mp4 49.79M
| | ├──Mr Marvel and the lemonade.mp3 1.42M
| | ├──Mr Marvel and the lemonade.mp4 36.03M
| | ├──Mr Marvel and the washing.mp3 1.51M
| | ├──Mr Marvel and the washing.mp4 58.33M
| | ├──The boy who cry wolf.mp3 1.57M
| | ├──The boy who cry wolf.mp4 68.13M
| | ├──The empty lunch box.mp3 1.26M
| | ├──The empty lunch box.mp4 27.99M
| | ├──The hare and the Tortoies.mp3 1.77M
| | ├──The hare and the Tortoies.mp4 75.69M
| | ├──The lost coat.mp3 1.45M
| | ├──The lost coat.mp4 63.91M
| | ├──The Robots.mp3 1.61M
| | ├──The Robots.mp4 33.22M
| | ├──The see-saw.mp3 1.32M
| | ├──The see-saw.mp4 28.35M
| | ├──The selfish dog.mp3 1.53M
| | ├──The selfish dog.mp4 43.15M
| | ├──The three Billy goats.mp3 1.81M
| | └──The three Billy goats.mp4 79.52M
| ├──第4级
| | ├──little rabbit.mp3 1.96M
| | ├──little rabbit.mp4 84.72M
| | ├──Lucy loses Red Ted.mp3 1.82M
| | ├──Lucy loses Red Ted.mp4 79.33M
| | ├──Max and the apples.mp3 2.18M
| | ├──Max and the apples.mp4 92.39M
| | ├──Max and the cat.mp3 1.76M
| | ├──Max and the cat.mp4 73.31M
| | ├──Max and the drum.mp3 1.69M
| | ├──Max and the drum.mp4 73.02M
| | ├──Max wants to fly.mp3 1.55M
| | ├──Max wants to fly.mp4 67.80M
| | ├──Pirate Peter keeps fit.mp3 1.45M
| | ├──Pirate Peter keeps fit.mp4 32.08M
| | ├──Pirate Peter loses his hat.mp3 1.60M
| | ├──Pirate Peter loses his hat.mp4 36.00M
| | ├──Priate Peter and the monster.mp3 1.38M
| | ├──Priate Peter and the monster.mp4 31.09M
| | ├──Priate Peter and treasure island.mp3 1.41M
| | ├──Priate Peter and treasure island.mp4 31.72M
| | ├──Red Ted at the beach.mp3 1.62M
| | ├──Red Ted at the beach.mp4 70.74M
| | ├──Red Ted goes to school.mp3 2.06M
| | ├──Red Ted goes to school.mp4 88.37M
| | ├──Sam hides Red Ted.mp3 1.77M
| | ├──Sam hides Red Ted.mp4 76.34M
| | ├──The ant and the dove.mp3 1.80M
| | ├──The ant and the dove.mp4 79.32M
| | ├──The sun and the wind.mp3 1.78M
| | ├──The sun and the wind.mp4 78.39M
| | ├──The town mouse and the country mouse.mp3 1.80M
| | └──The town mouse and the country mouse.mp4 78.81M
| ├──第5级
| | ├──Creep castle.mp3 2.03M
| | ├──Creep castle.mp4 45.73M
| | ├──Dipper and old Wreck.mp3 1.66M
| | ├──Dipper and old Wreck.mp4 61.37M
| | ├──Dipper gets stuck.mp3 1.94M
| | ├──Dipper gets stuck.mp4 80.09M
| | ├──Dipper in danger.mp3 1.42M
| | ├──Dipper in danger.mp4 61.99M
| | ├──Dipper to the rescue.mp3 1.53M
| | ├──Dipper to the rescue.mp4 56.40M
| | ├──Fire in wild wood.mp3 2.17M
| | ├──Fire in wild wood.mp4 49.36M
| | ├──Grandma's suprise.mp3 2.09M
| | ├──Grandma's suprise.mp4 74.93M
| | ├──Presents.mp3 2.33M
| | ├──Presents.mp4 68.77M
| | ├──The bag of coal.mp3 1.98M
| | ├──The bag of coal.mp4 43.76M
| | ├──The big snow ball.mp3 2.19M
| | ├──The big snow ball.mp4 48.83M
| | ├──The lake of stars.mp3 2.17M
| | ├──The lake of stars.mp4 74.85M
| | ├──The mango tree.mp3 2.36M
| | ├──The mango tree.mp4 103.60M
| | ├──The straw house.mp3 2.77M
| | ├──The straw house.mp4 120.43M
| | ├──The ugly duckling.mp3 2.47M
| | ├──The ugly duckling.mp4 83.44M
| | ├──The wolf and the kids.mp3 2.48M
| | ├──The wolf and the kids.mp4 109.80M
| | ├──Who did it.mp3 1.96M
| | └──Who did it.mp4 50.74M
| ├──培生儿童英语分级阅读 第07辑
| | ├──01 The New Boy.mp3 7.39M
| | ├──02 Bouncer Comes to Stay.mp3 9.34M
| | ├──03 The Cricket Bat Mystery.mp3 9.03M
| | ├──04 The Next Door Neighbour.mp3 9.83M
| | ├──05 Mamba and the Crocodile Bird.mp3 11.52M
| | ├──06 Duma and the Lion.mp3 9.30M
| | ├──07 Kiboko and the Water Snake.mp3 9.23M
| | ├──08 Twiga and the Moon.mp3 8.59M
| | ├──09 The Magic Boots.mp3 8.68M
| | ├──10 The Magic Coat.mp3 9.64M
| | ├──11 The Magic Shoes.mp3 10.85M
| | ├──12 The Magic Hat.mp3 10.23M
| | ├──13 The Frog Prince.mp3 11.05M
| | ├──14 The Elves and the Shoemaker.mp3 10.90M
| | ├──15 The Tug of War.mp3 10.98M
| | └──16 The Pied Piper.mp3 11.80M
| ├──培生儿童英语分级阅读 第08辑
| | ├──01 The Highland Games.mp3 12.12M
| | ├──02 The Highland Cattle.mp3 11.23M
| | ├──03 Rescue at Sea.mp3 9.01M
| | ├──04 Lost in the Mist.mp3 10.74M
| | ├──05 The Bear That Wouldn't Growl.mp3 9.22M
| | ├──06 The Snake That Couldn't Hiss.mp3 8.94M
| | ├──07 The Shark with No Teeth.mp3 9.49M
| | ├──08 The Elephant That Forgot.mp3 9.82M
| | ├──09 Kim and the Computer Mouse.mp3 9.90M
| | ├──10 Kim and the Computer Giant.mp3 10.38M
| | ├──11 Kim and the Missing Paint Pot.mp3 9.97M
| | ├──12 Kim and the Shape Dragon.mp3 9.40M
| | ├──13 Ali, Hassan and the Donkey.mp3 9.34M
| | ├──14 The Tiger and the Jackal.mp3 9.18M
| | ├──15 Little Red Riding Hood.mp3 10.08M
| | └──16 The Three Wishes.mp3 8.79M
| ├──培生儿童英语分级阅读 第09辑
| | ├──01 Big Barry Baker on the Stage.mp3 16.23M
| | ├──02 Big Barry Baker in Big Trouble.mp3 15.28M
| | ├──03 Big Barry Baker and the Bullies.mp3 17.93M
| | ├──04 Big Barry Baker's Parcel.mp3 14.61M
| | ├──05 City Cat.mp3 16.16M
| | ├──06 Canal Boat Cat.mp3 15.06M
| | ├──07 Cobra Cat.mp3 16.88M
| | ├──08 Cherry Blossom Cat.mp3 15.16M
| | ├──09 The Magic Carpet.mp3 16.05M
| | ├──10 Voyage into Space.mp3 19.32M
| | ├──11 Adventure at Sea.mp3 13.35M
| | ├──12 Journey into the Earth.mp3 13.14M
| | ├──13 The Two Giants.mp3 15.67M
| | ├──14 Hansel and Gretel.mp3 17.60M
| | ├──15 Jack and the Beanstalk.mp3 20.09M
| | └──16 The Little Girl and the Bear.mp3 16.82M
| ├──培生儿童英语分级阅读 第10辑
| | ├──01 Jake, Ace Detective.mp3 26.73M
| | ├──02 The Monster in the Cupboard.mp3 23.76M
| | ├──03 Tom's Birthday Treat.mp3 26.59M
| | └──04 Why Tortoise Has a Cracked Shell.mp3 27.37M
| ├──培生儿童英语分级阅读 第11辑
| | ├──01 Akbar's Dream.mp3 32.67M
| | ├──02 Standing Tall.mp3 32.06M
| | ├──03 Storm at Sea.mp3 29.43M
| | └──04 The Wrong Words.mp3 33.53M
| └──培生儿童英语分级阅读 第12辑
| | ├──01 Deep Water.mp3 39.34M
| | ├──02 Greyfriars Bobby.mp3 37.41M
| | ├──03 Jumble the Puppy.mp3 39.71M
| | └──04 Star Striker.mp3 33.82M
| ├──培生分级1
| | ├──培生分级1 动物故事
| | | ├──VIDEO_TS.IFO 40.00kb
| | | ├──VIDEO_TS.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_01_0.IFO 20.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_01_0.VOB 728.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_01_1.VOB 54.95M
| | | ├──VTS_02_0.BUP 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_02_0.VOB 34.63M
| | | ├──VTS_02_1.VOB 73.46M
| | | ├──VTS_03_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_03_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_03_1.VOB 65.49M
| | | ├──VTS_04_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_04_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_04_1.VOB 49.41M
| | | ├──VTS_05_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_05_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_05_1.VOB 42.58M
| | | ├──VTS_06_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_06_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_06_1.VOB 59.54M
| | | ├──VTS_07_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_07_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_07_1.VOB 73.40M
| | | ├──VTS_08_0.BUP 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_08_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_08_1.VOB 54.29M
| | | ├──VTS_09_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_09_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_09_1.VOB 3.65M
| | | ├──VTS_10_0.BUP 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_10_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_10_1.VOB 2.65M
| | | ├──VTS_11_0.BUP 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_11_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_11_1.VOB 2.30M
| | | ├──VTS_12_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_12_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_12_1.VOB 2.68M
| | | ├──VTS_13_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_13_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_13_1.VOB 2.35M
| | | ├──VTS_14_0.BUP 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_14_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_14_1.VOB 2.61M
| | | ├──VTS_15_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_15_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_15_1.VOB 2.84M
| | | ├──VTS_16_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_16_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_16_1.VOB 2.53M
| | | ├──VTS_17_0.BUP 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_17_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_17_1.VOB 2.64M
| | | ├──VTS_18_0.BUP 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_18_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_18_1.VOB 7.48M
| | | ├──VTS_19_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_19_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_19_1.VOB 1.76M
| | | ├──VTS_20_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_20_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | └──VTS_20_1.VOB 27.37M
| | ├──培生分级1 幻想故事
| | | ├──幻想故事
| | | | └──VIDEO_TS
| | | ├──VIDEO_TS.BUP 34.00kb
| | | ├──VIDEO_TS.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_01_0.IFO 20.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_01_0.VOB 868.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_01_1.VOB 1.76M
| | | ├──VTS_02_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_02_0.VOB 29.74M
| | | ├──VTS_02_1.VOB 10.27M
| | | ├──VTS_03_0.BUP 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_03_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_03_1.VOB 59.89M
| | | ├──VTS_04_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_04_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_04_1.VOB 62.65M
| | | ├──VTS_05_0.BUP 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_05_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_05_1.VOB 63.32M
| | | ├──VTS_06_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_06_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | └──VTS_06_1.VOB 47.12M
| | ├──培生分级1 经典故事
| | | ├──VIDEO_TS.IFO 38.00kb
| | | ├──VIDEO_TS.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_01_0.BUP 20.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_01_0.VOB 856.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_01_1.VOB 7.91M
| | | ├──VTS_02_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_02_0.VOB 15.38M
| | | ├──VTS_02_1.VOB 1.76M
| | | ├──VTS_03_0.BUP 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_03_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_03_1.VOB 182.34M
| | | ├──VTS_04_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_04_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_04_1.VOB 240.27M
| | | ├──VTS_05_0.BUP 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_05_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_05_1.VOB 191.13M
| | | ├──VTS_06_0.BUP 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_06_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_06_1.VOB 288.00M
| | | ├──VTS_07_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_07_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_07_1.VOB 288.65M
| | | ├──VTS_08_0.BUP 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_08_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_08_1.VOB 221.11M
| | | ├──VTS_09_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_09_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_09_1.VOB 198.70M
| | | ├──VTS_10_0.BUP 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_10_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_10_1.VOB 331.38M
| | | ├──VTS_11_0.BUP 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_11_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_11_1.VOB 4.49M
| | | ├──VTS_12_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_12_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_12_1.VOB 4.37M
| | | ├──VTS_13_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_13_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_13_1.VOB 4.09M
| | | ├──VTS_14_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_14_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_14_1.VOB 4.88M
| | | ├──VTS_15_0.BUP 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_15_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_15_1.VOB 4.38M
| | | ├──VTS_16_0.BUP 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_16_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_16_1.VOB 4.85M
| | | ├──VTS_17_0.IFO 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_17_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_17_1.VOB 5.30M
| | | ├──VTS_18_0.BUP 18.00kb
| | | ├──VTS_18_0.VOB 10.00kb
| | | └──VTS_18_1.VOB 3.66M
| | ├──培生分级1 培生分级1(游戏)
| | | └──培生分级1(游戏)
| | | | ├──1
| | | | ├──static
| | | | ├──autorun.inf 0.04kb
| | | | ├──Icon.ico 71.18kb
| | | | ├──read me.txt 1.56kb
| | | | └──第一册.exe 2.33M
| | └──培生分级1 生活故事
| | | └──生活故事
| | | | └──VIDEO_TS
| ├──培生分级2
| | ├──培生分级二(动物故事)1好吃,真好吃2宾果想玩耍3大大的惊吓4宾果和骨头
| | | ├──VTS_01_1.VOB 21.89M
| | | ├──VTS_02_0.VOB 29.73M
| | | ├──VTS_02_1.VOB 30.08M
| | | ├──VTS_03_1.VOB 47.12M
| | | ├──VTS_04_1.VOB 46.92M
| | | ├──VTS_05_1.VOB 30.38M
| | | ├──VTS_06_1.VOB 30.74M
| | | ├──VTS_08_1.VOB 10.27M
| | | ├──VTS_09_1.VOB 38.29M
| | | ├──VTS_10_1.VOB 27.72M
| | | ├──VTS_11_1.VOB 3.50M
| | | ├──VTS_12_1.VOB 2.67M
| | | ├──VTS_13_1.VOB 2.76M
| | | ├──VTS_14_1.VOB 2.38M
| | | ├──VTS_15_1.VOB 2.34M
| | | ├──VTS_16_1.VOB 2.98M
| | | └──VTS_17_1.VOB 2.92M
| | ├──培生分级二(幻想故事)1小妖怪和幽灵列车2汉堡店的小妖怪3小妖怪派对4海边的小妖怪
| | | ├──VTS_02_0.VOB 29.74M
| | | ├──VTS_02_1.VOB 10.27M
| | | ├──VTS_03_1.VOB 33.47M
| | | ├──VTS_04_1.VOB 44.91M
| | | ├──VTS_05_1.VOB 42.16M
| | | ├──VTS_06_1.VOB 42.17M
| | | ├──VTS_07_1.VOB 49.06M
| | | ├──VTS_08_1.VOB 24.97M
| | | ├──VTS_09_1.VOB 29.77M
| | | ├──VTS_10_1.VOB 32.07M
| | | ├──VTS_11_1.VOB 3.44M
| | | ├──VTS_12_1.VOB 2.80M
| | | ├──VTS_13_1.VOB 2.67M
| | | ├──VTS_14_1.VOB 2.84M
| | | ├──VTS_15_1.VOB 2.44M
| | | ├──VTS_16_1.VOB 2.71M
| | | ├──VTS_17_1.VOB 3.09M
| | | └──VTS_18_1.VOB 2.38M
| | ├──培生分级二(经典故事)1熊和蜂蜜2狐狸和兔子3老妇人和母鸡4狐狸和颧
| | | ├──VTS_01_1.VOB 7.91M
| | | ├──VTS_02_0.VOB 11.16M
| | | ├──VTS_03_1.VOB 69.40M
| | | ├──VTS_04_1.VOB 114.73M
| | | ├──VTS_05_1.VOB 67.04M
| | | ├──VTS_06_1.VOB 98.85M
| | | ├──VTS_07_1.VOB 57.16M
| | | ├──VTS_08_1.VOB 91.39M
| | | ├──VTS_09_1.VOB 111.04M
| | | ├──VTS_10_1.VOB 67.87M
| | | ├──VTS_11_1.VOB 3.83M
| | | ├──VTS_12_1.VOB 4.81M
| | | ├──VTS_13_1.VOB 3.43M
| | | ├──VTS_14_1.VOB 3.62M
| | | ├──VTS_15_1.VOB 4.04M
| | | ├──VTS_16_1.VOB 3.62M
| | | ├──VTS_17_1.VOB 4.89M
| | | ├──VTS_18_1.VOB 4.37M
| | | ├──VTS_19_1.VOB 3.66M
| | | └──VTS_20_1.VOB 4.37M
| | ├──培生分级二(生活故事)1淘气的乔2小帮手3聪明的乔4晚餐时间
| | | ├──VTS_01_1.VOB 7.91M
| | | ├──VTS_02_0.VOB 7.95M
| | | ├──VTS_03_1.VOB 53.33M
| | | ├──VTS_04_1.VOB 81.55M
| | | ├──VTS_05_1.VOB 77.75M
| | | ├──VTS_06_1.VOB 58.45M
| | | ├──VTS_07_1.VOB 69.36M
| | | ├──VTS_08_1.VOB 45.68M
| | | ├──VTS_09_1.VOB 72.75M
| | | ├──VTS_10_1.VOB 51.99M
| | | ├──VTS_11_1.VOB 5.04M
| | | ├──VTS_12_1.VOB 3.90M
| | | ├──VTS_13_1.VOB 3.94M
| | | ├──VTS_14_1.VOB 4.48M
| | | ├──VTS_15_1.VOB 6.21M
| | | ├──VTS_16_1.VOB 4.04M
| | | └──VTS_17_1.VOB 3.85M
| | └──培生分级二游戏
| | | ├──2
| | | | ├──Bingo-and-the-Bone.exe 14.32M
| | | | ├──Bingo-Wants-to-Play.exe 11.25M
| | | | ├──Clever-Joe.exe 12.35M
| | | | ├──Dinner-Time.exe 11.53M
| | | | ├──Helpers.exe 14.34M
| | | | ├──Monty-and-the-Ghost-Train.exe 10.73M
| | | | ├──Monty-at-Mcburgers.exe 17.41M
| | | | ├──Monty-at-the-Party.exe 10.65M
| | | | ├──Monty-at-the-Seaside.exe 9.04M
| | | | ├──Naughty-Joe.exe 14.42M
| | | | ├──The-Bears-and-the-Honey.exe 7.17M
| | | | ├──The-Big-Surprise.exe 7.08M
| | | | ├──The-Fox-and-the-Rabbit.exe 7.00M
| | | | ├──The-Fox-and-the-Stork.exe 13.88M
| | | | ├──The-Old-Women-and-the-Hen.exe 7.12M
| | | | └──Yum!-Yum!.exe 11.34M
| | | ├──static
| | | | ├──pic
| | | | ├──swf
| | | | └──xml
| | | ├──autorun.inf 0.04kb
| | | ├──Icon.ico 71.18kb
| | | ├──read me.txt 1.56kb
| | | ├──安全域重置.reg 0.09kb
| | | └──第二册.exe 2.33M
| ├──培生分级3
| | ├──培生分级3(游戏)
| | | └──培生分级三(游戏)
| | | | ├──3
| | | | ├──static
| | | | ├──autorun.inf 0.04kb
| | | | ├──Icon.ico 71.18kb
| | | | ├──read me.txt 1.56kb
| | | | └──第三册.exe 2.33M
| | ├──培生分级三(动物故事)1弗林斯科的恶作剧2弗林斯科和小猫3弗林科斯和鸭子4弗林科斯想睡觉
| | | ├──VTS_01_1.VOB 1.76M
| | | ├──VTS_02_0.VOB 29.73M
| | | ├──VTS_02_1.VOB 10.27M
| | | ├──VTS_03_1.VOB 59.87M
| | | ├──VTS_04_1.VOB 70.76M
| | | ├──VTS_05_1.VOB 74.90M
| | | ├──VTS_06_1.VOB 54.10M
| | | ├──VTS_07_1.VOB 56.19M
| | | ├──VTS_08_1.VOB 44.59M
| | | ├──VTS_09_1.VOB 44.14M
| | | ├──VTS_10_1.VOB 60.67M
| | | ├──VTS_11_1.VOB 3.03M
| | | ├──VTS_12_1.VOB 2.97M
| | | ├──VTS_13_1.VOB 2.38M
| | | ├──VTS_14_1.VOB 3.10M
| | | ├──VTS_15_1.VOB 2.71M
| | | ├──VTS_16_1.VOB 3.03M
| | | ├──VTS_17_1.VOB 1.72M
| | | ├──VTS_18_1.VOB 2.56M
| | | └──VTS_19_1.VOB 2.71M
| | ├──培生分级三(幻想故事)1迈威尔先生晾衣服2迈威先生变柠檬水3迈威先生变蛋糕4迈威先生变汽车
| | | ├──VTS_01_1.VOB 7.91M
| | | ├──VTS_02_0.VOB 15.49M
| | | ├──VTS_03_1.VOB 118.11M
| | | ├──VTS_04_1.VOB 105.16M
| | | ├──VTS_05_1.VOB 127.22M
| | | ├──VTS_06_1.VOB 98.08M
| | | ├──VTS_07_1.VOB 111.35M
| | | ├──VTS_08_1.VOB 89.09M
| | | ├──VTS_09_1.VOB 119.76M
| | | ├──VTS_10_1.VOB 94.96M
| | | ├──VTS_11_1.VOB 3.97M
| | | ├──VTS_12_1.VOB 4.37M
| | | ├──VTS_13_1.VOB 4.29M
| | | ├──VTS_14_1.VOB 3.91M
| | | ├──VTS_15_1.VOB 4.81M
| | | ├──VTS_16_1.VOB 3.97M
| | | └──VTS_17_1.VOB 4.32M
| | ├──培生分级三(经典故事)1三只山羊2狼来了3龟兔赛跑4自私的小狗
| | | ├──VTS_01_1.VOB 7.91M
| | | ├──VTS_02_0.VOB 16.31M
| | | ├──VTS_03_1.VOB 129.03M
| | | ├──VTS_04_1.VOB 98.35M
| | | ├──VTS_05_1.VOB 138.26M
| | | ├──VTS_06_1.VOB 111.41M
| | | ├──VTS_07_1.VOB 96.32M
| | | ├──VTS_08_1.VOB 143.02M
| | | ├──VTS_09_1.VOB 160.13M
| | | ├──VTS_10_1.VOB 113.69M
| | | ├──VTS_11_1.VOB 3.62M
| | | ├──VTS_12_1.VOB 3.58M
| | | ├──VTS_13_1.VOB 3.54M
| | | ├──VTS_14_1.VOB 3.58M
| | | ├──VTS_15_1.VOB 4.38M
| | | ├──VTS_16_1.VOB 4.12M
| | | ├──VTS_17_1.VOB 3.66M
| | | ├──VTS_18_1.VOB 3.78M
| | | └──VTS_19_1.VOB 3.97M
| | └──培生分级三(生活故事)1机器人2跷跷板3空空的午餐盒4失踪的外套
| | | ├──VTS_02_0.VOB 29.73M
| | | ├──VTS_02_1.VOB 10.27M
| | | ├──VTS_03_1.VOB 43.10M
| | | ├──VTS_04_1.VOB 55.06M
| | | ├──VTS_05_1.VOB 71.21M
| | | ├──VTS_06_1.VOB 88.36M
| | | ├──VTS_07_1.VOB 72.06M
| | | ├──VTS_08_1.VOB 52.02M
| | | ├──VTS_09_1.VOB 53.41M
| | | ├──VTS_10_1.VOB 42.19M
| | | ├──VTS_11_1.VOB 2.52M
| | | ├──VTS_12_1.VOB 4.01M
| | | ├──VTS_13_1.VOB 3.21M
| | | ├──VTS_14_1.VOB 2.99M
| | | ├──VTS_15_1.VOB 3.20M
| | | ├──VTS_16_1.VOB 2.97M
| | | └──VTS_17_1.VOB 2.93M
| └──培生分级4
| | ├──培生分级4(动物故事)1麦克斯和猫2麦克斯和苹果3麦克斯和鼓4想飞的麦克斯
| | | ├──VTS_02_0.VOB 17.47M
| | | ├──VTS_03_1.VOB 136.94M
| | | ├──VTS_04_1.VOB 232.71M
| | | ├──VTS_05_1.VOB 164.93M
| | | ├──VTS_06_1.VOB 110.46M
| | | ├──VTS_07_1.VOB 105.89M
| | | ├──VTS_08_1.VOB 177.54M
| | | ├──VTS_09_1.VOB 97.41M
| | | ├──VTS_10_1.VOB 159.59M
| | | ├──VTS_11_1.VOB 4.38M
| | | ├──VTS_12_1.VOB 4.35M
| | | ├──VTS_13_1.VOB 4.29M
| | | ├──VTS_14_1.VOB 3.97M
| | | ├──VTS_15_1.VOB 3.98M
| | | ├──VTS_16_1.VOB 4.38M
| | | └──VTS_17_1.VOB 4.38M
| | ├──培生分级4(幻想故事)1海盗皮特要减肥2海盗皮特的帽子丢了3海盗皮特和宝藏岛4海盗皮特和怪物
| | | └──培生分级四(幻想故事)1海盗皮特要减肥2海盗皮特的帽子丢了3海盗皮特和宝藏岛4海盗皮特和怪物
| | | | ├──VTS_02_1.VOB 10.27M
| | | | ├──VTS_03_1.VOB 72.60M
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| | ├──培生分级4(经典故事)1太阳和风2小蚂蚁和鸽子3小兔子4城里的老鼠和乡下的老鼠
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| | | ├──VTS_16_1.VOB 4.81M
| | | └──VTS_17_1.VOB 4.07M
| | ├──培生分级4(生活故事)1泰德熊去学校2泰德熊在海边3泰德熊不见了4被藏的泰德熊
| | | ├──VTS_02_0.VOB 17.59M
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| | | └──VTS_19_1.VOB 3.97M
| | └──培生分级4(游戏)
| | | └──培生分级四(游戏)
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| | ├──Pearson Scott Foresman Grammar & Writing Handbook Gr 1.pdf 5.47M
| | ├──Pearson Scott Foresman Grammar & Writing Handbook Gr 2.pdf 5.66M
| | ├──Pearson Scott Foresman Grammar & Writing Handbook Gr 3.pdf 5.73M
| | ├──Pearson Scott Foresman Grammar & Writing Handbook Gr 4.pdf 5.60M
| | ├──Pearson Scott Foresman Grammar & Writing Handbook Gr 5.pdf 5.81M
| | └──Pearson Scott Foresman Grammar & Writing Handbook Gr 6.pdf 5.66M
| ├──培生英语预备级A4四分之一小册子版
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| ├──培生英语预备级A4四分之一小册子版六合??
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| ├──培生英语预备级文本
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| | ├──002My Cushion-.pdf 14.14M
| | ├──003Super Car-.pdf 9.39M
| | ├──004Happy Birthday Josie-.pdf 10.34M
| | ├──005The Princess and the Dragon-.pdf 9.57M
| | ├──006Greedy Giant-.pdf 9.80M
| | ├──007At the Vet.pdf 5.60M
| | ├──008Abracadabra.pdf 4.40M
| | ├──009I Like Cars.pdf 6.22M
| | ├──010Dirty Dog.pdf 7.51M
| | ├──011Something Fishy.pdf 6.06M
| | ├──012What is it.pdf 7.87M
| | ├──013All Fall Down.pdf 6.03M
| | ├──014Sports Day.pdf 4.53M
| | ├──015Minibeasts.pdf 5.91M
| | ├──016Fish Colours.pdf 9.31M
| | ├──017Face Painting.pdf 4.98M
| | ├──018Big and Little.pdf 9.74M
| | ├──019Fruit Salad.pdf 9.13M
| | ├──020A Jumper for James.pdf 6.24M
| | ├──021Big Monster is Running Away.pdf 7.09M
| | ├──022What is in the box_0001.pdf 8.60M
| | ├──023I wish I was a bat.pdf 9.21M
| | ├──024The Cow Jumped Over the Moon.pdf 6.53M
| | ├──025Curly and the Log.pdf 6.68M
| | ├──026Look Out!.pdf 8.25M
| | ├──027The Perfect Pet.pdf 4.13M
| | ├──028Up the Tree.pdf 8.76M
| | ├──029Supermarket on Mars.pdf 5.66M
| | ├──030What a Clown.pdf 5.04M
| | ├──031The Hungry Dragon.pdf 5.50M
| | ├──032Feeding Time.pdf 5.63M
| | ├──033Time for Bed.pdf 9.83M
| | ├──034Fish Fact.pdf 9.90M
| | └──035When I Was a Baby.pdf 11.27M
| ├──培生英语预备级音频
| | ├──001 At the park.mp3 396.41kb
| | ├──002 My cushion.mp3 282.66kb
| | ├──003 Supper car.mp3 600.55kb
| | ├──004 Happy birthday josie.mp3 633.25kb
| | ├──005 The Princess and the Dragon.mp3 658.03kb
| | ├──006 Greedy giant.mp3 930.02kb
| | ├──007 At the Vet.mp3 754.11kb
| | ├──008 Abracadabra.mp3 697.03kb
| | ├──009 I like cars.mp3 1.13M
| | ├──010 dirty dog.mp3 533.11kb
| | ├──011 Something Fishy.mp3 769.55kb
| | ├──012 what is it.mp3 551.59kb
| | ├──013 All fall down.mp3 702.92kb
| | ├──014 Sports day.mp3 1.09M
| | ├──015 Minibeasts.mp3 729.12kb
| | ├──016 Fish colours.mp3 1019.39kb
| | ├──017 Face Painting.mp3 607.25kb
| | ├──018 Big and Little.mp3 1.43M
| | ├──019 fruit salad.mp3 882.08kb
| | ├──020 a jumper for james.mp3 979.98kb
| | ├──021 big monster is nunning away.mp3 887.77kb
| | ├──022 what is in the box.mp3 794.33kb
| | ├──023 i wish was a bat.mp3 817.89kb
| | ├──024 the cow jumped over the moon.mp3 563.58kb
| | ├──025 curly and the log.mp3 529.66kb
| | ├──026 look out.mp3 998.88kb
| | ├──027 the perfect pet.mp3 980.59kb
| | ├──028 up the tree.mp3 767.31kb
| | ├──029 supermarket on mars.mp3 1.07M
| | ├──030 what a clown.mp3 493.91kb
| | ├──031 the hungry dragon.mp3 738.67kb
| | ├──032 feeding time.mp3 920.06kb
| | ├──033 time for bed.mp3 625.53kb
| | ├──034 fish facts.mp3 1.66M
| | └──035 when i was a baby.mp3 2.24M
| ├──培生预备级CD-1.dab 7.97M
| └──培生预备级CD-2.dab 21.10M