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A Hole is to Dig A First Book of First Definitions 挖一个洞
ABC Bunny-Wanda_Gag ABC兔子
Alexander 亚历山大
Angelina and Alice 小老鼠安吉拉
animalia 动物世界
Are You My Mother 你是我的妈妈吗
Bark, George 汪汪叫的乔治
Big Pumpkin 万圣节大南瓜
Blueberries for Sal 小塞尔采蓝莓
Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See 棕熊,棕熊,你在看什么?
Caps for Sale 卖帽子
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom 叽喀叽喀碰碰
Chrysanthemun 我的名字是chrysanthemum
Click Clack Moo Cows That Type 会打字的牛
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 阴天有时下肉丸
Corduroy 小熊可杜罗
Corduroy's Best Halloween Ever 可杜罗的最佳万圣节
Corduroy's Easter 可杜罗的复活节派对
Counting Kisses 妈妈要亲宝宝几下
Curious George by Hans Augusto Rey好奇的乔治
David Goes to School 大卫去上学
Dear Zoo 亲爱的动物园
Diary of a Worm 蚯蚓的日记
Does a kangaroo have a mother 袋鼠也有妈妈吗
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! 别让鸽子开公交
Dont Touch My Room 别动我的房间
Dragon's_halloween 龙的万圣节
Easter Shapes 复活节的形状
Everyone poops 大家来噗噗
Fancy nancy 小俏妞希希
Five Minutes Peace 让我安静五分钟
Flotsam 海底的秘密
Frederick 田鼠阿佛
George And Martha 乔治与玛莎
Go Away Mr. Wolf 野狼先生
Go Away, Big Green Monster 走开,大绿怪
Go Dog Go 前进吧,大狗!
Good night,Gorilla 晚安,大猩猩
Goodnight Moon 晚安月亮
Green Eggs and Ham绿鸡蛋和火腿
Guess How Much I Love You 猜猜我有多爱你
Happy birthday moon 月亮,生日快乐
Harold and the Purple Crayon 阿罗有枝彩色笔
Hop on Pop 蹦来蹦去
How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? 恐龙怎么说晚安
How I Became a Pirate 我怎样成为了一个海盗
How the Grinch Stole Christmas 格林奇偷走圣诞节
I am a Bunny 我是一只小兔子
I Can’t, Said the Ant 我不能说蚂蚁
I love you, stinky face 我爱你,臭脸蛋儿
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie要是你给老鼠吃饼干
In the Night Kitchen 厨房之夜狂想曲
Is Your Mama a Llama 你的妈妈是驼羊吗?
Jamberry 欢乐的海洋
Joseph Had a Little Overcoat 约瑟夫有一个小外套
Jumanji 勇敢者的游戏
Kitten's First Full Moon 小猫咪追月亮
Knuffle bunny 古纳什小兔
Little Blue and Little Yellow 小蓝和小黄
Llama Llama Holiday Drama 羊驼拉玛的假日剧
Llama Llama Red Pajama 穿红睡衣的驼拉玛
Lost and Found 远在天边
Love You Forever永远爱你
Madeline 玛德琳
Make Way for Ducklings 让路给小鸭子
Mike Mulligan Steam Shovel 迈克•马力甘和他的蒸汽挖土机
Miss Nelson is Missing 尼尔森小姐不见了
Miss Rumphius 花婆婆
Moo, Baa, La La La 哞咩啦啦
Moo,Baa,LaLaLa 哞咩啦啦啦
More More More 还要还要
Mr. Gumpy’s Outing 和甘伯伯遊河
My Dad 我爸爸
My Mum 我妈妈
NO, David 大卫,不可以!
Not a Box 不只是个盒子
Oh the Places You Will Go 噢,你将去的地方
Olivia 小猪奥利维亚
Once upon a potty 从前一个便盆
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish 一条鱼,两条鱼,红色的鱼,蓝色的鱼
Owen 欧文的小毯子
Owl Moon 月下看猫头鹰
Papa, please get the moon for me 爸爸,请为我摘月亮
Pinkalicious 粉红控
Polar bear, Polar bear, What do you hear 北极熊,北极熊,你听到什么
Red book 红皮书
Rosie's Walk 母鸡萝丝去散步
Russell the Sheep 绵羊罗素
Scaredy Squirre 松鼠小嘀咕
Sheep in a Jeep 小羊开吉普
Snow Day 下雪天
So_Many_Bunnies_Bedtime_ABC_Counting_Book 数数小兔子
Someday 有一天
Strega Nona 巫婆奶奶
ten apples up on top 头顶十个苹果
The Berenstin Bears Meet Santa 遇见圣诞熊
The Best Easter Basket Ever 最棒的复活节
The Best Easter Eggs Ever 最好的复活节彩蛋!
The Cat in the Hat 戴帽子的猫
The Dot 点
The Easter Story 复活节的故事
The Eleventh hour 最后关头
The Gingerbread Man 姜饼人
The Giving Tree 爱心树
The Kissing Hand 魔法亲亲
The Little Engine That Could 冒烟的小火车
The Little House 小屋子
The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear 谁要吃草莓
The Lorax 老雷斯的故事
The napping house 打瞌睡的房子
The odd egg 奇怪的蛋
The Paper Bag Princess 纸袋公主
The Polar Express极地特快
The Rainbow Fish 彩虹鱼
The Runaway Bunny 逃家小兔
The Snowy Day下雪天
The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales 臭臭的奶酪汉
The Story of Babar 小象巴巴
The Story of the Three Little Pig 三只小猪
The Tale of Peter Rabbit 彼得兔子的故事
The three little wolves and the big bad pig 三只小狼和大坏猪
The Trouble with MUM 我的妈妈真麻烦
The Very Hungry Caterpillar 好饿好饿的毛毛虫
The Very Quiet Cricket 好安静的蟋蟀
The whales' song 鲸鱼在唱歌
The Wump World 羊没草吃了
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly 吞下苍蝇的老奶奶
There's an alligator under my bed 有一条鳄鱼在我的床底下
Tikki Tikki Tembo 提基提基坦布
Time for bed 晚安
Tuesday 星期二
usborne phonics reade 斯伯恩自然拼音
We are Going on a Bear Hunt 我们去猎熊
what do people do all day 忙忙碌碌镇
Where Is the Green Sheep 绿色的小羊在哪里
Where Wild Things Are 野兽家园
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears 为什么蚊子在人们耳边嗡嗡叫
YO Yes?噢 耶
Zen Shorts 禅的故事
A Christmas Countdown 圣诞倒计时
A color of his own 自己的颜色

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